Ganga jamuna saraswati nadi
Ganga jamuna saraswati nadi

ganga jamuna saraswati nadi


Can we transcend them and be free from bondage? We can only do so and reach our true divine self, Aham Brahmasmi, through Devi. We are all subjected to five factors in this existence of Brahma Prapanch, the world of created beings and objects: space, time, causation, name and form. Echoing this concept, since the dawn of creation Hinduism has stated: Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu, Shakti Rupay Nah Samsthitaa, “That Devi who in all beings is abiding in the form of energy.” This has been proven by science, which is the laboratory for Hinduism. Everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies. She is the personification of all the various powers and energies that exist within creation. What is this ocean of duality from which we are asking her to free us? It is the world of opposites: pain, pleasure birth, death success, failure we must rise beyond them through the grace of Devi Maa.ĭevi symbolises this universe of energy. We pray for divine glory and ask for freedom from bondage of the cycle of life and death. We ask Her for victory over our negative tendencies and victory over this world of duality. We praise and worship Devi so that we may receive Her blessings and thus attain our true nature, divinity. From a satsang with Paramacharya of SWAHA, Pundit Hardeo Persad

Ganga jamuna saraswati nadi